Heute mal: ein Teddybär - Today: Teddy bear
Hier sind wieder ein paar Illustrationen für das Kinderbuch-Projekt an dem ich arbeite, diesmal ein Teddy in verschiedenen Positionen. Und weil der Kleine so aktiv ist, gibt's diesmal einen Bastel-Hampelmann-Teddy dazu. Das hört sich einfacher an als es ist, denn ich musste tief in die Hampelmann-Bastel-Technik eintauchen und auch erst der dritte Versuch hat geklappt (Kinderkanal sei dank).
Here are some more illustrations for the children's book project I'm working on - a teddy doing a bunch different things. He's a very active guy, that's why I decided to add a handicraft version of the teddy. That was much more difficult than I thought, I had to start over two times. But finally it worked (thanks to Kinderkanal = Children's channel)

Here are some more illustrations for the children's book project I'm working on - a teddy doing a bunch different things. He's a very active guy, that's why I decided to add a handicraft version of the teddy. That was much more difficult than I thought, I had to start over two times. But finally it worked (thanks to Kinderkanal = Children's channel)

Labels: Illustration, Kinderbuch
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